The first time I saw you, I knew I won’t like you. I was never wrong. I loathed you.
We had arguments and I took all chances that I can bully you. You’re but annoying for me.
Just like rubber sandals, you are light and easy to go with but you are NOT my style. You seek for attention, that I strongly believe, you just don’t deserve! You never fail to infuriate me as I end up being affected by your nonsense approach.
Then I realized, you’re but real to me. You try to please me and you stay good to me.
Guilty as charged, it’s me. It’s me who’s unfair for judging you. It’s me for being so immature to step on you and hurt you in some ways. (truly, in many ways)
So I step back and I am sorry. Maybe I’ll get used to your “unintentional” crankiness and won’t mind you at all. Thank you for still choosing to be true to me. As I promised myself that I will forgive and just forget my #frienemies. I am waving white flag. My game with you is over.
P.S. I will remove you from my list of people-to-kill someday. *wink*
Maybe in time, we’ll be friends too. REAL friends.